Beth Moser-Chang, BA, NBC-HWC

Licensed clinical psychologist: Nationwide (NPI 1518736743 )

Beth Moser-Chang is a certified health coach who specializes in helping individuals with ADHD/executive dysfunction, as well as other psychiatric conditions, cognitive aging and dementia, hormonal imbalances, and emotional eating. She has a Master Health Coaching Certification from the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, which emphasizes Positive Psychology. She is also a National Board-Certified Health Coach and a Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Training Coach.

Beth offers personalized 1:1 programs to meet individuals wherever they are in their wellness journey. Her program includes teaching self-care techniques, promoting a “real food” diet, managing food triggers, cultivating a healthy relationship with movement, and addressing emotional challenges. Throughout the program, Beth will help you gain growth-mindset and organizational skills to help you reinforce your new habits.

In addition to her career as a health coach, Beth is an experienced photographer of 30 years. She obtained her BA in photography from Columbia College. When she is not coaching individuals, she engages with them through her photography. Beth resides in Monrovia, CA with her husband, two children, and a Goldendoodle.